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Quick Guide: Working with a Virtual Assistant for just a couple of hours a month

Have you ever thought of using a Virtual Assistant for just a couple of hours a month? The flexibility the role of a VA brings to small businesses makes this possible and is cost effective.

Everyone has on their ToDo list tasks they just don’t find the time or energy to do! Here is a sample of tasks a Virtual Assistant can help you with:

You’re the owner of the company – wouldn’t you prefer someone else to send out invoices on your behalf and chase the payment?

Working in real time a Virtual Assistant can be available when you are in meetings or on holiday and respond quickly to e-mails and telephone calls.

Do you ever create proposals and PowerPoint presentations you could send to a Virtual Assistant to tidy up and look professional?

How about a Virtual Assistant scheduling meetings and telephone calls in your diary for you?

Do you have documents that you send out on a regular basis like quotes, contracts or T&Cs? A Virtual Assistant can create a branded template document and send these out on your behalf? They can also create a spreadsheet which logs all these documents and chase for the signed versions to be returned.

Do you ever need documents scanned and sent to your clients?

How much time do you spend sending information to get onto a preferred supplier list? There can be endless e-mails backwards and forwards asking for additional information – delegate this task to a Virtual Assistant and they will manage this process. They can also collate the information and save it for next time as well!

Research – there maybe times you need information urgently but you are in meetings all day and unable to source it. You can ask a Virtual Assistant to spend a specific length of time researching quotes, insurance policies, make phone calls, whatever is needed and this information can be available for you at the end of the day.

So instead of waiting until in total overwhelm think about some tasks you can delegate today!

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