Take control of your working day
Would you believe each day we waste on average around 50-minutes of our working day? This can be by looking for items that have been...

A Productive Rant About Planning Your ToDo list
One of the secrets of getting more done is to make a to do list every day, keep it visible, and use it as a guide to action as you go...

Ready to use a Virtual Assistant? 24 questions to ask before hiring
Ready to use a Virtual Assistant? Great. Once you have shortlisted your potential candidates think about the questions you are going to...

Quick Guide: Working with a Virtual Assistant for just a couple of hours a month
Have you ever thought of using a Virtual Assistant for just a couple of hours a month? The flexibility the role of a VA brings to small...

See how easily you can organise files on your computer
Studies show that individuals on average can waste up to an hour every day searching for things that they’ve misplaced. This can be car...

Discover 5 Ways to Successfully Delegate to a Virtual Assistant
Delegating for some is easy, others struggle - and when you are delegating to a Virtual Assistant, someone you may not have met, it is...

Virtually Gerry is 12 years old
Wow, Virtually Gerry is 12 years old today! I am sat here wondering how did that happen so quickly? It will sound like a cliché but it...

5 Benefits of Working with a Virtual Assistant
Most of us started our working life in an office, surrounded by colleagues, taking for granted if the computer had a fault a quick call...

5 Helpful Tips For a Well Organised Home Office
"Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing... layout, processes, and procedures." Tom Peters...

What a Virtual Assistant Can Do for You and Your Business
There are many different ways a Virtual Assistant can support your business. Before we look at some sample tasks you can hand over, it...